3137 Brighton Passing • Conyers, GA 30094   |   PH: 404-528-8060
UASIST: your hands also

We encourage community leaders to support UASIST as children who receive an education are less likely to join gangs and participate in activities that will lead them down the path to a life of crime.

Why support UASIST?

Based on data from the National Census Bureau the implications from dropping out of school are detrimental to proper child development, including a higher risk of poverty and even a shortened life expectancy due to crime.

Dropouts have an expected life span 9 years shorter than kids who graduate. It is estimated that over 2500 students drop out of school every day meaning kids need to be motivated and inspired on a daily basis.

Nationally, dropouts account for 68% of state prison inmates as well as an earning average of $10,000 less than that of students who graduate high school and substantially less than college graduates.

Follow the link to see some of our partners

Help Support
To make a contribution, you may send check or money order to:
Universal Assistance Stay in School Team Inc. (UASIST, Inc.)
3137 Brighton Passing, Conyers Georgia, 30094
A 501 ( c ) ( 3) Organization

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